The Community Well

A nonprofit building community and educational equity in Issaquah/Sammamish.

Our Mission & Vision

Welcome to The Community Well, a nonprofit organization in Issaquah and Sammamish dedicated to fostering educational equity, building strong school and parent partnerships, and strengthening the community by bringing youth together. At The Community Well, we firmly believe that every student deserves equal access to the resources necessary for academic success and that the collaboration between families and schools is crucial in nurturing a supportive and enriching learning environment.

Amidst the challenges brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic, The Community Well recognizes the significant impact it has had on students’ lives, particularly in the realm of education. The disruption caused by school closures, remote learning, and the absence of in-person interactions has created additional barriers for many students, further exacerbating existing inequities in education.

Our primary objective is to provide free tutoring, academic interventions, and homework support to students, enabling them to improve their academic achievement and to feel confident at school. For our launch this summer, we are focusing on upper elementary and middle school students. By creating safe and supportive programming, we aim to empower students to pursue their passions. 

Furthermore, we recognize that parents/guardians play a vital role in their child’s education, and a strong partnership between families and schools is instrumental in fostering academic success. That’s why, in addition to our student-focused initiatives, we will provide resources and support to parents. We strive to empower parents with the tools and knowledge they need to actively engage in their child’s educational journey and contribute to their overall development. From a variety of activities ranging from offering workshops to providing rides to school meetings, we aim to bridge the gap between parents and schools, promoting open communication, mutual understanding, and collaborative decision-making.

At The Community Well, we believe that education goes beyond academics. It encompasses the holistic development of each student and fostering a sense of belonging. We believe in a strengths-based approach and that all students should be celebrated for their dedication and progress. We are committed to bringing youth together for fun activities to celebrate and honor their hard work and to build community.

The image of a well resonates deeply with our mission and vision. Just as water is essential for life, schools are at the heart of our community, nourishing young minds and shaping future generations. We believe that all students and families should have equal access to the resources they need to succeed. Like a well, we aim to be a source of support, nourishment, and strength for our community, ensuring that all students have access to educational opportunities.

At The Community Well, we are committed to making a tangible and lasting impact on the lives of students and families. We believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of inequity and unlocking boundless possibilities. 

Join us in our mission to promote equity in education and foster strong school and parent partnerships. Together, we can create a community where every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential and where collaboration between families and schools is the cornerstone of educational success.

Stay tuned for updates and information on how you can get involved. Let’s gather as a community to build a brighter future through The Community Well.